“To Be Remembered” is a captivating short horror film that explores the eerie boundaries between reality and the supernatural. Produced under an unusually tight deadline, this project showcases our team’s ability to deliver high-quality content swiftly, utilizing innovative tools we’ve been experimenting with for some time. Despite the time constraints, we managed to bring our vision to life, and the film has secured a place among the top 15 entries in the competition.
Leveraging AI technologies and creative storytelling, we crafted a narrative that is both visually striking and emotionally resonant. The film employs a blend of film noir aesthetics and modern horror elements, enhanced by the use of AI-driven tools that added unique visual effects and atmospheric depth.
You can check out “To Be Remembered” on our YouTube channel here. We will be releasing a behind-the-scenes video detailing how we created the film and our creative process. If you’re interested in learning more about our approach and the technologies we used, make sure to watch the upcoming video.